Always Learning

Andy's thoughts and other musings

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Apple Jacks Are Not The Real Thing!

Last night as Randi was preparing dinner, I was getting Ali into her high chair. In order to pass the time until dinner was ready, I gave Ali a small handful of Apple Jacks. While some of you may know this, a one year old seems to have trouble understanding that Apple Jacks are not really apples. (If you consult the box, you will notice that Sugar is the main ingredient.) Anyway, Randi put the food on the table. It was a vegatable pizza that Randi really enjoys. Normally, I enjoy it as well. If you must know, I indulged before coming home....bad idea. Well, I guess that I convinced Ali to do the same. She let Randi and I know that she was not pleased with her dinner.

You see Ali at about 10-11 months began to employ the "don't eat pile." This is a pile where the unwanted food goes. If she is eating and the tray is too small, it just goes on the floor. I don't know where she learned this habit, but it was employed at this meal. The biggest problem was that she was trying to put her whole plate in the "don't eat pile." She would not eat anything Randi gave her. She actually started being very verbal about her unhappiness. I was thinking to myself, "Well, I'll just get her some more Apple Jacks." I guess that I uttered this out loud, because Randi's response was appropriate. She said, "Andy, why are you trying to appease this child?"

I guess that I know the answer. It is easier to give her what she wants than it is to give her what she needs. As much as I know that Apple Jacks are not good for my baby, I often think, "...but it will make her happy." Wow! How often have I seen out-of-control children in my office, at church, or at the grocery store? How often do I say to myself, "If that were my kid...?" And yet here I am struggling with this same issue.

How often do we settle for Apple Jacks when we can have the real thing! I know that, recently, I have been struggling with having the real thing. My relationship with Christ is not much different than this experience I had with Randi. While Ali wanted Apple Jacks, the mommy knew better. She kept and keeps saying, "Ali needs to eat her vegatables." While we all want to eat Apple Jacks because that cinnamon and apple tastes so delectable, it is not what we need.

As I have contemplated about my relationship with Christ over the last few weeks and months, I can see that Christ has been saying to me over and over, "Andy, [that] is not what you need. I know that you think you need it, but it is only what you want. It is not really good for. It isn't really even Apples." You know I want what Christ offers, but often find myself saying, "Yeah, but it is soooo GOOOOD!"

God knows what we really need. He knows that Apple Jacks are not really Apples! What he offers is so good for us. It may not be the most appealing course at first, but you will soon find that you are more satisfied with his food. As you consider these words, I pray that you, like me will, "Taste and see that the LORD is good." (Psalm 34:8)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again, you're words bless me. You are gifted Andy and I really think should continue doing some published writing.


12:49 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

Keep up the good blogging! And I'm digging the new look. Thanks for connecting life and faith...Blessings my friend!

6:16 PM  

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