Always Learning

Andy's thoughts and other musings

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Language of Stupidity

My friends Mike and Glen remind me that my words are very important. I can say things in a moment that I would never mean in a lifetime. Mike oftens speaks of the "language of blessing." I think that I am cursed by the "language of stupidity."

Recently, I hurt a friend's feelings. I did not mean to do it. I just made a callous remark that was meant to be funny. I thought of it as teasing. You know, teasing can really hurt! It is not that I meant to be ugly(as we say in the South). However, my actions were ugly.

When I was a kid, I did not understand this. I know I still struggle with it. If I did not mean it, it did not count. When I own up to my mistake, this statement does not fly. When you say something, you have to take responsibility for it.

I have to observe my approach with others. If I speak to Ali in a harsh voice, she will cry. I could be saying, "I love you, honey." I, however, have sent her a double message; I love you but I don't. Man, I sure struggle with this. I send double messages too often.

I am learning from this mistake. I am learning that I must salt my words, because I may be eating them later. For those of you I have wronged with insensitive comments, "I am sorry."

May God help me to listen to my words and practice a language that blesses and does not curse.