Always Learning

Andy's thoughts and other musings

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Change for the sake of it

I have been thinking about change. I hate change. I hate to experience it. Yet, I feel it is the thing I most need at times. It is easy to get stuck in a rut. It is easy to let life happen without any ever realizing life has gone by. So change is good. It is needed. It is what brings about freshness and renewal.

Change, however, for the sake of change is irresponsible. It is ill conceived. It is immature. It is akin to a child screaming in the store for the object of their desire without any idea of how they will pay for it.

I have been thinking about change in church. I am all for change that will bring people into a real relationship with Christ and into relationship with his people. I, however, have no interest in change that is purely for self interest. I hope I can be selfless in my walk with Christ.

The book of Amos says to "Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the LORD God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts. Perhaps the LORD God Almighty will have mercy on the remnant of Joseph. " God asks us to change. He asks us to change our hearts. He asks us to be good to others. I want to live a life of justice seeking change as necessary for the incarnation of the kingdom.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Home, Sweet, Home

The other day, Corban learned he is going back to Paducah. He was so excited. Everyday he would ask, "Are we going to Paducah today?" As the day approached I learned the reason for his excitement. He exclaimed, "I am so excited to go home."

This statement amazed me. He is only three years old, but he knew where he belonged. He belonged at home.

Sometimes I feel this way too. I want to go home. I wait and wait with the anticipation of being comfortable again. Ultimately, home is where you choose to be. I am making my home in Ada, but like Corban have moments of longing to be where I am comfortable.

I thank God that he gives us his peace. I can feel at home even when I am not at home. I thank God for the family he has given me.